What happens when you put a little seed out....

Up early to the sounds of a raccoon dinning in our trash can.....I'm sure he/she smelled the chicken bones in there... I've been not putting seed out in the feeders for a while with the abundance of summer and moving into fall...but I decided to put seed in the other day and well we have a party going on...I love watching the chickadee's and the nuthatches...and then the squirrels and chipmunks running around with chubby cheeks and the crows were chasing the squirrels that snagged a few of the corn from the corn stalk decor...so when you put seed out like I said you have a party. Then the top of the food chain from the winged one side of things came...nice big Red Tail Hawk...Heard the coyotes and the raccoon...the other night and Hank was Howling with them...I think it's kind of cool, my thinking is how cool it is that they both howl..with each other...

I personally have been getting contract ready for a few workshop coming in the beginning of 2015...which then means I'll have to up date the website and blog...soon...I tell myself I've got sometime...really trying to let the flow of everything happen softly.  Have to say it seems to be working...now to shower up and get going on the day...good fall day ahead and feeling grateful. 


  1. Hi Laura,beautiful photo and fantastic flowers,a burst of joy!!!


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